The main purpose for this website is simply to provide an outlet for me to write about my own spiritual experiences and whatever happens to be churning in my mind and heart at any given moment. I’ve found it of value for me to help look back and recall past experiences and study notes that become meaningful yet again in my spiritual growth. Additionally I hope it in time provides a conduit to meet other men sharing common journeys and can possibly become some small part of a larger support system of brothers. My prayer is to find others like myself that want nothing more than to live as biblically mature men in every area of our life. Together we seek and share every resource possible learning to better understand our roles as protector, provider, and presider to our families and influencers of Christ-like living to everyone we can.
Such a brotherhood encourages men to share their testimonies of spiritual growth to include their personal victories and struggles among trusted brothers who demonstrate unconditional love and acceptance. Likewise, we are to be that brother for others.
Such a brotherhood is always there for each other as we all fall short. We all need friends who stand with us through thick and thin, as long as it takes. Not just “I’ll be praying for you”, but also truly committing time and resources when and where needed.
Kingdom men transcend the divisiveness so often separating us based on political, racial, economic, and church environments so prevalent today. Our focus is to live all aspects of life upon foundational knowledge and principles created by God himself as taught and lived through the example of Christ and His instructions given to us through scripture and Spirit led writings that align with His Word.
Please don’t misunderstand, I fully believe involvement in governmental leadership in this trying time is crucial! However, we all know God can only bless those living and leading from the Kingdom principles designed by God, ordained and given through the example of Christ, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the written Word of God.
God always conditions blessings to obedience! Not living our roles as Kingdom Men opens doors for the adversary to rob us of personal growth. It also affects the lives of others God has charged us with as leaders and examples. While the world is obviously full of men, there is a great shortage of Kingdom minded men willing to live under the complete authority of Jesus as the Lord of all they are and have. Our families, churches, communities, our nation and the world at large desperately need more men fully committed to Kingdom living.
I look forward to meeting others on a similar spiritual journey and am grateful in advance for all I am confident I’ll learn from them. I request and look forward to adding stories written by others sharing their life stories of God’s Grace in their own transformations to inspire us all and prove the worth of holding the line of faith, love, humility, help, and commitment in this needed time.
Writing and sharing anything spiritual comes with great responsibility!
To realize the serious nature of spiritual instruction, we need only read and understand James 3:1. I like the way the ESV version states this powerful verse.
James 3:1 (ESV)
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
Take that in! Let it sink deeply into your heart and mind when you find yourself sharing spiritual knowledge with another. I’m not sharing this to lessen anyone’s passion to share their stories of how Grace has changed their life journey. When sharing God’s Word for the purpose of edifying, our words should definitively be given much more contemplation than our everyday “man talk” where we have a masculine tendency to tease and joke with each other. As men it’s always going to be a mixture of both. So many men of God in our age (not unlike those before us) tend to speak freely and authoritatively of anything they’ve heard, read, watched, or just assume through their raising and culture. This is where another crucial verse comes to mind. It can be found in 2nd Timothy 2:15, and I’ll share this one from the Amplified version.
2 Timothy 2:15 (AMP)
Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.
Brothers, I look forward to locking shields with you as well-trained spiritual warriors! How? Through personal and mutual efforts to expand our knowledge, commitment, discernment, and willingness to be sent by Christ to redeem, rescue, and return many hurting men in the Church, and beyond, tightly held in the enemies grip. Let’s bring them home!
Welcome to!