One day you wake up and suddenly realize!
You’re tired of recognized daily habits and days being a repeat of nonproductive routines that aren’t growing you toward the man you most want to be.
You’re tired of not feeling your drive, your passion, your purpose, and they’re certainly not consuming your day.
You’re craving genuine changes to the point they cause you to daydream by day and wake you in the night from dreams of living out the unconscious accomplishment of who you know you want to be.
You recognize the negative patterns unconsciously embedded into your current life and have a sincere desire and determination to change them.
You feel the energy of a newer you taking growth inside and it feels like a weight is lifting.
You feel the ropes of anxiety loosening from your mind, body, and spirit, recognizing you’re closing an old chapter and opening a fresh one.
Find quiet time and space alone to lovingly embrace and spend time quietly contemplating all the changes you’re feeling within you. Express your thankfulness and gratitude to the Holy Spirit, who you know is the true source working all this in you.
Recognize and free the powerful warrior within you who loves fiercely and true!
Step in the gap and intercede where you recognize the weak and helpless being oppressed by the enemies of them not living their God designed potential from a place you remember that once being you.
Share your testimony of God’s grace, mercies, and unconditional love working through the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Impress on them the importance of the efforts required for your transformation from your personal examples of failures and victories.
Share the importance of spending dedicated time in sincere prayer with your Father God who longs to communicate with you in return.
Share the importance of faithfully and constantly embedding the truth of the Word into your mind and heart. Recognize you are forming the sword you will be successfully wielding both for you and others.
Ask the Lord to make possible the crossing of your path with other men who can inspire, motivate, and be accountability partners in your journey. And ask to be the same to others.
Become disciplined at saying no to the lies of past patterns of thought and habits, and commit to forming new routines of growth, praising God with every recognized moment of change.
And when you fall in any of these efforts, don’t dwell on the fall but quickly get up, brush it off as the failed attempt of the enemy it was, and praise the Lord for His strength in and through you to continue your journey forward.
Letting go of old thought patterns, unproductive daily habits, and time and energy spent with people that have proven to influence you in wrong directions isn’t easy. But they are transformative!
With every effort of replacing the old with the new, you grow stronger and closer to God. And as you continue to draw closer to Him, He gladly draws closer to you, empowering you toward the greatness He created in you.
Trust in God’s plans and timing in your transformation!
I’m proud of and for you, my brother! I look forward to your becoming God’s grand design for you! If I can be of any help, please reach out to me!